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How to Clean Car Mat?

release time:2024-08-12publisher:AIDEZHOU


Upgrading your floor mats to floor liners has a range of benefits, one of those being that they're easy to clean. But when it comes time to clean them, how do you go about it? It's simple.


Typically made of Latexcar mat are easy to clean. Simply remove them from your vehicle and hose them down with a garden hose. Mild soap can be used for hard to remove gunk. Allow to air dry before placing back in your vehicle.

Cleaning Tips: For tough stains, use AIDEZHOU car mat and Mat Cleaner. Spray it on the stain and let it sit for a couple of minutes. Then watch as the stain washes away with the hose. To keep your mats looking great.

If you've got questions about car mat, or any other automotive accessory, chat in or give the product experts a call. We're here for you, from inspiration to installation.